At energyinhouse we are accredited to provide Commercial, Domestic and On-Construction EPCs as well as Display Energy Certificates.


Building Energy and Sustainability Compliance 

Compliance solutions for all Energy Performance issues and Sustainable Development legislation.


For Architects and Developers:


We are qualified and accredited to provide services for:-

At the end of the project, to complete the service, we provide:-

For Local Estate Agents and Property Owners

We now supply Services for:-Building Regulations Compliance for  Domestic Ventilation Testing - Part F, Part G Water calculations and Air Testing


 We can offer:

  • A prompt, professional and reliable service
  • Specialist guidance, advice and support from Start to Completion of your Building Project
  • VAT free EPC's
  • We're here to help

SMG Consultancy are an ISO9001 accredited Company fully insured and accredited with Stroma and Quidos to issue EPC's and DEC's



If you want to get in touch, call us on 07929 242 353 or email


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